Sunday, November 1, 2009

The Earth Tribe

The Earth Tribe

In today’s world we are constantly bombarded by the media with negative news, there seems to be an uncomfortable undertone amongst the people I meet on my travels. Perhaps a feeling that nothing can be done to change things and a general expectancy that the world is unlikely to improve for the better.

I personally don’t believe this for one minute, for the last 5 years I have been building on my skill base and developing my dream. My name is Simon I am a sculptor, animator, painter and home spun dyslexic philosopher.

My main belief is that the people around the world need to remove their focus from personal gain towards developing their own environments around themselves with a healthy team (tribal) attitude. Now I understand that perhaps this is a little too idealistic for many to get their heads around and I am by no means expecting things to change over night. This is a process which is going to involve time and effort. But I imagine also it will be the best adventure of a lifetime.

Now if you are reading this document it is likely that we are looking to you as quality artists or a potential source of funding to help this stepping stone process begin. It is also likely that we have chosen you because of your qualities as an individual and that you have a skill base that will blend well with our tribe.

I would like to add now that you would be expected to be a hands on member of the team and it is very likely that your life will change at a fast pace. This is something that will become clearer as you continue through the document.

The Project:

To travel with 15 or more highly talented creative people from different countries around the world, in a boat around the world to create and generate a new kind of prophecy which inspires others with the simple overall message that


We plan to base these messages around parties, artwork and gardens. The people involved we will advertise for around the globe searching for individuals who excel in their creative fields and also have many other practical and creative skills to call upon as a team.
This applies to the workshops we will set up in the areas we land in, to help unleash untapped or new talents amongst the locals. So it is important for us to get a crew whom are good teachers and have good temperament. This also applies to the journey as a whole and even I suppose to the overall prophecy.

The skills we are searching for are as such:

Artists painters,
Sculptors (figurative),
Musicians (of all varieties),
Fireworks experts,
Marshal arts experts
Lighting experts,
Audio technicians,
Computer experts, Hackers,
All kinds of practical, technical abilities

An overall need of good coordination and a positive outlook on life
And of course Gardeners.

We plan to have a crew ranging from between 15 to 33 strong and in this way we should have the skill base to cover all problems which may arise on this mission.

The Boat will be a large vessel (example here) with the artists first conversion mission in Mind we we transform this space into party space for VIP's studios, artistic and musical. Designs as shown in the following material. We will have living quarters and storage space for equipment necessary to put on shows that remain in people’s memories and hearts for a long time to come.

This is a non-political group we are traveling to create and to generate positivity only. This will be in a charter agreed upon by all involved, so no confusions arise down the line. Other aspects to the charter are to be worked out and agreed upon by all involved.
The number 15 for the crew works out as an important figure, because if you travel in a group of 15 or more people from different nationalities you carry a diplomatic immunity. Meaning we can avoid many menial laws on our mission also can avoid problems that may for whatever reason arise for individuals on our journey. Although during the screening process we will iron out any problems which we can foresee potentially developing.

The journey is scheduled to last at first for 99 days travelling around the world. First concentrating on third world and non-power based countries. By the time we have visited these we will have our performances fine-tuned developing a greater knowledge about what it takes legally. We will also have a better understanding of our potential as a unit. Then the plan is to travel to the richer side of the spectrum, places like Monaco and other such environments to generate more funding. Perhaps more avenues for our team to spread out and echo the message through buses boats and other vehicles.

Another aspect of the journey would be to document it all on camera so we can produce a package for television documentary or TV series after or even during the journey to generate interest and publicity before we land in the sites.

The site we shall look to build and develop stages find access to water which we leave for and involve the local community in the process. The sites will have painted murals and sculptures orientated towards the Earth Garden inspiration, see artwork and photos on following pages. Areas which the locals will use and artwork that will last over time, as a legacy for others to be inspired.
As for the parties they are the main focus for people to gather around, generating the positive energy. The stage we show our intent as a group the place that we truly shine at our brightest! My self alone I know and have already run many parties that raise eyebrows I paint fluorescent backdrops orientated towards the dance scene, nature, tribalism, sunsets and rain forest bright colours that look great in normal light but then launch into a new dimension when lit by ultra violet black lights.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Dan 23 brings his Light to the Earthtribe

brings his Light to the Earthtribe.... He creates amazing paintings that come

C215 joins the EarthTribe


this amazing stencil world traveling artist joins the vision

India Brief Update

Well I have been rushing around in all Directions since arriving in India where we are currently at with our thinking......

We did not raise the money that was required to build a concrete extension... So this may have opened a huge door for the Earthtribe. We will be building a eco friendly slightly smaller building which will use plastic bottles and waste like car tyres to build this extension and will be teaching the children and the locals how this is done....

We will also be inviting all our artists to come help build and create the first earthtribe Garden and building... so we can use this an example of what we are capable of.

come september time we should have everything ready in time for us to start building and we have some windows of time open to us. September till dec and late feb till June are times when building is possible in this extreme temp area.... between july and august there is monsoon weather and dec jan is just too cold to work.... anyone interested in being appart of this get in touch... its all ready attracting some very interesting talent and we are also close to bhagsu and great travel town and the Dalai Lamas head quarters. so pleanty to do when we are not building and working....

come come come be apart of the vision!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Earthtribe Landing in the crazyness of Delhi

Andyish and myself both booked flights to Delhi on the same day our different planes landed within twenty min's of each other.... and we did not even know we where both leaving the UK to the same place on the same day!?

Two Earthtribe members in the Himalayas at the same time..... hhhmmmmmmmmm
what can we create? watch this space... here for two months In Bir and Dharamsala..... any of the Earthtribe want to join and make a garden? would be fantastic for our visions start... but we will create no matter what! the Dream Begins.......

Thursday, March 12, 2009

How to regrow a rainforest - Willie Smits on TED Talks

This amazing man has been regrowing rainforest from desolate land ruined by deforestation... using Permaculture and the specific integration of the right plants together to benefit each others regrowth.... in the space of 4 years the first stage of reforestation is established.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Possitive messages from our World Tribal Elders Iternational tribal gathering

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Ship running on Biodiesel

Article on ship running on Biodiesel.......
Yes we want our Ship to be environmentally friendly... so time to search for bio-engineers and eco-scientist to enlist to the cause.....

The purpose of this project was to demonstrate the feasibility of biodiesel to reduce GHG emissions in a Canadian marine environment and to assess the impact of biodiesel on power output and engine wear and, to identify any operational constraints. Although trials had been done on smaller marine vessels, this was the first use of biodiesel on a commercial merchant ship in Canada. Desgagnés dockside and in Canada's north

Motorship Stubnitz

here is the stubnitz and fabulous boat with a permanent crew of twenty and has studio space, stage dance floor and bar plus more.... perfect size for our vision most importantly its ocean going.....

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Willow elephants

Willow elephants
Originally uploaded by zoer
Steve and Jackie Manning have joined the EarthTribe

really enjoyed a lovely evening chatting about the vision of our group and they are both excited about being apart of this.....

Robin (Mutoid) Cooke... joins the Earthtribe.....

Plane Henge, Mutonia Sculpture Park (by Robin Cooke), Oodnadatta Track, Outback, South Australia, Australia

Robin is one of the original founders of the Mutoid waste crew, famous for their mechanical sculptures at festivals like Glastonbury UK, He is the creator of the first Car Henge, when travellers were told they could not visit stone henge he then built a version of it using scrap cars. Robin also made a massive hydrolic robot which pulled down a section of the Berlin wall.

H has recently been living a long term vision of his called Earthdream. A fabulous creative journey annually travelling around Australia and bringing creativity and a voice to Protesting across the Deserts fusing Maddder than Max with a blend of theatre, art, lifestyle and most importantly bringing together the unconnected groups to educate the truth behind the unpleasant uranium mining industry in the name of profit.

a fabulous film about that journey is here...
This 3 part doco on Earthdream 2001 was directed by Matt Bonner. Hugest thanks Mat, and all crew involved in it's production, See ya in Twentytwelve!!!!
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

Monday, January 12, 2009

Artists Involved

Here are links to some of the artist who are involved in the Earthtribe so far....


Spanish graff man many man different styles and quality work

see more of his art here

Lienzos en venta by WWW.BEROK.ES


English Chain saw artist and all round handyman stylish chunkie and this guy works at a prolific pace
Andys massive works of wonderous chain saw art here

sculptures by andyish


Caroline Brooks LA powerful figurative natural mystical brush work.
her flickr account is here
The transplant by the arborgeist project


French VJ and dreaming the dream working on a amazing convoy from France to Australia gaiaganda
see some photos of his art here
Bus SN peint by noleeganda


very talented illustrations and animations and visualisations...
heres a skimming of the surface of his art.

illus_postcardsboy by MATMAN_UK


a true light worker from Finland detailed illustation and very interesting photography
see his work here

Tribute to Rodin by jannepaint


A wonderful couple from Italy Vincenzo (aka Caktus) creates fantastico graffiti stylized charaters and Maria has a wonderful figurative colourful feel with her Illustrations and her Spray Cans! and marias art here
Maria_water color on paper_08 by CAKTUS&MARIACAKTUS_SKETCH _08 by CAKTUS&MARIA

Caroline Philp

Mediterranean based Mural artist strong traditional style and an unlimited range of skill

see Carolines murals and other works here

London Pool mural (1) Underwater theme.


North American Graffiti artist with strong maya theme running through is stylized flowing lines

Incredible graff pieces here
HYDE by dehy76

Earth Tribe Gardens

Bruce Voyce

Canadian Sculptor Epic sculptures and innovative use of old materials mixed with strong metal forms

a taste of Bruces work here on Flickr

More here on his web site

Rigel Sauri

A tour de force! proliffic work output and currently working for free in a south American town painting what ever he can get his brushes on!

amazing amount of work!

Heres Rigels Mural town project! Incredible!!!!
Telchac Puerto Mural project


Chunky funky greenary!!! from this Brizian spray artist... head turning pieces popping up all over!

see his chunky plants here!
AplantaTorre © WeedTower by H.Planta


a tour de force from the streets of Israel as the name inplies connecting moving shaking and always busy
his photostream is here
Inspired Stickers... by ! INSPIRE !.


New Zealander guppy building Gardens and good vibes where ever he goes....
The Nautillus3 by walkaboutearth.


Photographer and interior designer from Germany
photostream here
hands anthurie single by Matahina.