Thursday, November 4, 2010

This is where we are currently

Run and created by Jette Virdi this amazing converted Hacienda is a beautiful organic retreat and we are relaxing here whilst our paths blossom open.....

Thursday, October 21, 2010

New eden project will be collaborating with the Earthtribe

The Eden project in Mexico are running an amazing permaculture base in Hidalgo, by Santiago De Anaya..... really great initiative of education and we hope to help by helping painting them a bus. We are looking forward to meeting them out there some time soon.


Thursday, September 23, 2010

First Earthtribe Adventure

We will soon be in Mexico in Telchac Puerto where a good friend and Earthtribe member Rigel Sauri has been painting many murals..

the plan is to build our first Earthtribe Art space here then to buy a bus and drive it down through Central America to South America myself  plus a few others will be setting off from Telchac Puerto in Mid November and will see where the flow takes us....

any of the Earthtribe members interested please get in touch a newsletter will be sent to all members when we arrive in Mexico and have an understanding of what is next.

Thursday, April 15, 2010